
Sustainable tourism management plan

Our commitment from the heartof the business structure


Today, many of our actions may appear as isolated efforts, but we want to tell you that the work of Dalca Travel in collaboration with Efecto Mariposa Consultancy is building solid foundations of sustainability that will make our company, a respected and recognized brand in terms of ESG responsibility, for people, the environment and the economy of our country.

We are working on developing, as a first stage, all corporate policies and the implementation plan. In addition to aligning the business model with the SDGs or objectives of sustainable development of the United Nations for 2030.

Parallel to this, we work on more visible and tangible projects, so that this strategy, begins to have life and become part of our immediate reality as well as a company. CARO MANCILLA, our Peruviana Chilensis, has been a huge help in the development of this project and her enthusiasm and passion for what she does every day, has been key to success with this goal.

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Sustainable tourism management plan


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